Get Report Token


This function generates a one time use token with a 5 minute expiration and returns a URL containing the token which can be used as an HTTP redirect allowing a user to pull a report without signing into the system.


Requires HTTP BASIC authentication.

HTTP Methods

Accepts GET and POST requests



Path Variables

Name Required/Optional Description Validation
ID required The UUID of the debtor or the account number Debtor UUID should exist in the system.


Name Required/Optional Description Validation
end optional The end date of the report.The default is the current month The date parameter must be formatted like this: end=MM/yyyy For example, January, 2012 is 01/2012. The end date must be after the start date
start optional The start date of the report. The default is 12 months before the current month The date parameter must be formatted like this: end=MM/yyyy For example, January, 2012 is 01/2012. The start date must be before today's date or the specified end date
type optional The type of the report which can be HTML or FULL_REPORT_PDF or SCRUBBED_REPORT_PDF. The default is HTML Valid values are HTML or FULL_REPORT_PDF or SCRUBBED_REPORT_PDF
creditor optional The UUID of the creditor. Any user mapped to more than one creditor will have Default Creditor in an alphabetical order. If no Creditor is passed in the API request then the results for the Credit Status will be based upon the settings of the Default Creditor Creditor UUID should exist in the system.

Curl Example

Sample Requests

curl -u apiuser:test ""
curl -u apiuser:test ""
curl -u apiuser:test ""


Note: Visiting the URL returned in a web browser will display or save the requested report.