List Alerts


This method is used to search and retrieve a list of alerts and their data. By default all unread alerts for the creditor are listed.


Requires HTTP BASIC authentication.

HTTP Methods

Accepts GET requests.



Path Variables

Name Required/Optional Description Validation
uuid required The UUID of the creditor in the system Creditor UUID should exist in the system.


Name Required/Optional Description Validation
read optional true(if alert is already read) else false. Value Should be true or false.
debtorUuid optional The UUID of the Debtor in the system. Debtor UUID should exist in the system.
fromDate optional Greater than the Created date of Alert. Format should be YYYY-MM-DD.
toDate optional Less than the Created date of Alert. Format should be YYYY-MM-DD.

Curl Example


curl -u apiuser:test ""


  "alerts" : [ {
    "uuid" : "1121444d-3fb8-427d-95f8-97e7dbab7aeb",
    "read" : "2012-05-09 09:05:15.971",
    "creditorUuid" : "e6aaa036-2121-d11d-dd33-869ffac113be",
    "message" : "New non-payment complaint for SERVICES CORP.",
    "creationDate" : "2012-05-09 09:05:15.971",
    "debtorUuid" : "163175ca-720e-4452-b935-fac105e57195"
  } ],
  "totalRecords" : 1

Note: Responses will not be pretty printed when using the API, but have been formatted here for documentation purposes.