Update Creditor


This method updates an existing creditor in the system.


Requires HTTP BASIC authentication. The authenticating user must be an admin over the creditor.

HTTP Methods

Accepts POST requests.



Path Variables

Name Required/Optional Description Validation
uuid required The UUID of the creditor in the system Creditor UUID should exist in the system.


Name Required/Optional Description Validation
companyName required The creditor's company name Length should not be greater than 100 characters
contactName optional The creditor's contact name Length should not be greater than 100 characters
contactPhone optional The creditor's contact phone number Length should not be greater than 10 characters
contactFax optional The creditor's contact fax number Length should not be greater than 10 characters
contactEmail optional The creditor's contact email address Length should not be greater than 100 characters
addressLine1 optional The first line of the creditor's address Length should not be greater than 100 characters
addressLine2 optional The second line of the creditor's address Length should not be greater than 100 characters
city optional The creditor's city Length should not be greater than 100 characters
state optional The creditor's two letter state code
postalCode optional The creditor's postal code Length should not be greater than 12 characters
country optional The creditor's two letter ISO country code Length should be equals to 2 characters

Note: With an update, any field left out of the request will not update. You can call Get Creditor to get all the fields currently set on the creditor.

Curl Example


curl -u apiuser:test -X POST https://www.factorsnetwork.com/api/creditors/e6aaa036-2121-d11d-dd33-869ffac113be.json \ -d "companyName=Factoring Inc."


    "companyName":"Factoring Inc.",
    "createdDate" : 1441356834403,
    "totalUploadedAccounts" : 10,
    "lastUploadedDate" : 1436452046537

Note: Responses will not be pretty printed when using the API, but have been formatted here for documentation purposes.