Update Creditor Setting


This method updates an existing creditor setting in the system.


Requires HTTP BASIC authentication. The authenticating user must be an admin over the creditor.

HTTP Methods

Accepts POST requests.



Path Variables

Name Required/Optional Description Validation
uuid required The UUID of the creditor in the system Creditor UUID should exist in the system.


Name Required/Optional Description Validation
creditDepartmentEmail optional Enter one or more email address where credit review requests can be sent.ex. test@test.com,johndoe@test.com Value should be valid email address
creditDepartmentPhone optional Enter contact phone number for users to contact credit department.
creditDepartmentBusinessHour optional Enter the business hours in which a users can contact the credit department.
alertDaysAfterReportRun optional Number of days after which user to receive alerts.
To reset to default value pass parameter as blank in url, for eg:-
Value should be between 1 and 365. Default value is 180.
averageDaysAlertDays optional % Change in average days to pay.
To reset to default value pass parameter as blank in url, for eg:-
Value should be between 1 and 100. Default value is 25.
minimumAmountAlert optional Minimum amount owed to you by a debtor.
To reset to default value pass parameter as blank in url, for eg:-
Default value is 5000
scoreChangeAlert optional % Change in score.
To reset to default value pass parameter as blank in url, for eg:-
Value should be between 1 and 100. Default value is 25.
minimumScoreApproved optional Minimum creditor score required to flag as "Approved" Value should be between 1 and 100
minimumScoreReview optional Minimum creditor score required to flag as "Review Required" Value should be between 1 and 100
minimumAvgDaysToPayApproved optional Maximum Average Days To Pay required to flag as "Approved" Value should be 1 or greater than 1
minimumAvgDaysToPayReview optional Maximum Average Days To Pay required to flag as "Review Required" Value should be 1 or greater than 1
minimumBalanceApproved optional Minimum balance required for an "Approved" Value should be 0 or greater than 0
minimumBalanceReview optional Minimum balance required for a "Review Required" Value should be 0 or greater than 0
minimumCreditorUploadsApproved optional Minimum number of companies supplying data for an "Approved" Value should be between 1 and 6
minimumCreditorUploadsReview optional Minimum number of companies supplying data for an "Review Required" Value should be between 1 and 6
minimumMonthsApproved optional Minimum number of months data required for an "Approved" Value should be between 1 and 6
minimumMonthsReview optional Minimum number of months data required for an "Review Required" Value should be between 1 and 6
percentageBalanceForReviewInShortTerm optional % balance over 45 days should trigger a "Review Required" in short term Value should be between 1 and 100
percentageBalanceForDeniedInShortTerm optional % balance over 45 days should trigger a "Denied" in short term Value should be between 1 and 100
percentageBalanceForReviewInLongTerm optional % balance over 45 days should trigger a "Review Required" in long term Value should be between 1 and 100
percentageBalanceForDeniedInLongTerm optional % balance over 45 days should trigger a "Denied" in long term Value should be between 1 and 100
minimumCreditorsForShortTermApproved optional Minimum number of creditors reporting data in the short term for an "Approved" Value should be between 1 and 6
minimumCreditorsForShortTermReview optional Minimum number of creditors reporting data in the short term for an "Review Required" Value should be between 1 and 6
minimumCreditorsForLongTermApproved optional Minimum number of creditors reporting data in the long term for an "Approved" Value should be between 1 and 6
minimumCreditorsForLongTermReview optional Minimum number of creditors reporting data in the long term for an "Review Required" Value should be between 1 and 6
activeBrokerAuthorityApproved optional Minimum number of months a debtor must have an active BROKER authority for an "Approved" Value should be between 1 and 24
activeBrokerAuthorityReview optional Minimum number of months a debtor must have an active BROKER authority for a "Review Required" Value should be between 1 and 24
inActiveBrokerAuthorityStatus optional If the BROKER authority is not active for MC#
To reset to default value pass parameter as blank in url, for eg:-
Valid values are DENIED, REVIEW_REQUIRED or NONE, Default value is NONE
shortTermMonth optional Months considered short term
To reset to default value pass parameter as blank in url, for eg:-
Value should be between 1 and 24. Default value is 6
longTermMonth optional Months considered long term
To reset to default value pass parameter as blank in url, for eg:-
Value should be between 1 and 24. Default value is 12
privacySettings optional Company name should be displayed on reports or not
To reset to default value pass parameter as blank in url, for eg:-
Valid value are 'Yes' or 'No'. Default value is 'No'.
alertsSearchRadius optional How far do you want to search for nearby carriers.
To reset to default value pass parameter as blank in url, for eg:-
Valid value are 1, 5, 10 or 20. Default value is 1
phoneNumberComparisonType optional Phone numbers be compared for alerting Valid value are EXACT, FIRST_SIX_DIGIT or AREA_CODE
companyNamesComparisonType optional Want to search for similar company names Valid value are 'Yes' or 'No'
fleetTransferPercentage optional % of fleet transfer for fleet size alerts Value should be between 1 and 100

Curl Example


curl -k -u apiuser:test -X POST "https://www.factorsnetwork.com/api/creditors/e6aaa036-2121-d11d-dd33-869ffac113be/settings.json" -d


  "creditorSettingResponse" : {
    "uuid" : "e6aaa036-2121-d11d-dd33-869ffac113be",
    "companyName" : "Factoring Inc.",
    "creditDepartmentEmail" : "test@test.com",
    "creditDepartmentPhone" : null,
    "creditDepartmentBusinessHour" : null,
    "alertDaysAfterReportRun" : 10,
    "averageDaysAlertDays" : 10,
    "scoreChangeAlert" : 10,
    "minimumAmountAlert" : "10",
    "minimumScoreApproved" : 72,
    "minimumScoreReview" : 58,
    "minimumAvgDaysToPayApproved" : 72,
    "minimumAvgDaysToPayReview" : 58,
    "minimumBalanceApproved" : 2000,
    "minimumBalanceReview" : 1000,
    "minimumCreditorUploadsApproved" : 2,
    "minimumCreditorUploadsReview" : 1,
    "minimumMonthsApproved" : 6,
    "minimumMonthsReview" : 2,
    "percentageBalanceForReviewInShortTerm" : 4,
    "percentageBalanceForDeniedInShortTerm" : 9,
    "percentageBalanceForReviewInLongTerm" : 10,
    "percentageBalanceForDeniedInLongTerm" : 35,
    "minimumCreditorsForShortTermApproved" : 2,
    "minimumCreditorsForShortTermReview" : 1,
    "minimumCreditorsForLongTermApproved" : 3,
    "minimumCreditorsForLongTermReview" : 1,
    "activeBrokerAuthorityApproved" : 18,
    "activeBrokerAuthorityReview" : 12,
    "inActiveBrokerAuthorityStatus" : "DENIED",
    "shortTermMonth" : 7,
    "longTermMonth" : 12,
    "privacySettings" : "No",
    "alertsSearchRadius" : 5,
    "phoneNumberComparisonType" : "EXACT",
    "companyNamesComparisonType" : "Yes",
    "fleetTransferPercentage" : 10,
    "bondMonitoringEnabled" : "Yes"


curl -k -u apiuser:test -X POST "https://www.factorsnetwork.com/api/creditors/e6bcd036-2752-d00d-dd22-869ffac113be
/settings.json" -d "alertDaysAfterReportRun=&averageDaysAlertDays=&scoreChangeAlert=&minimumAmountAlert=&privacySettings=


  "message" : "Invalid privacySettings value.",
  "field" : "privacySettings"
}, {
  "message" : "Invalid companyNamesComparisonType value.",
  "field" : "companyNamesComparisonType"
}, {
  "message" : "Average days alert field can not be empty.",
  "field" : "averageDaysAlertDays"
}, {
  "message" : "Alert Days After Report Run can not be empty.",
  "field" : "alertDaysAfterReportRun"
}, {
  "message" : "Phone numbers comparison type can not be empty.",
  "field" : "phoneNumberComparisonType"
}, {
  "message" : "Company names comparison type can not be empty",
  "field" : "companyNamesComparisonType"
}, {
  "message" : "Alert search radius can not be empty.",
  "field" : "alertsSearchRadius"
}, {
  "message" : "Long term month field can not be empty.",
  "field" : "longTermMonth"
}, {
  "message" : "Short term month field can not be empty.",
  "field" : "shortTermMonth"
}, {
  "message" : "Score Change Alert can not be empty.",
  "field" : "scoreChangeAlert"
}, {
  "message" : "Minimum amount alert field can not be empty.",
  "field" : "minimumAmountAlert"
}, {
  "message" : "Privacy Settings can not be empty.",
  "field" : "privacySettings"

Note: Responses will not be pretty printed when using the API, but have been formatted here for documentation purposes.